Daily timetable

  • 08:00–09:30 breakfast
  • 10:00–13:30 workshops in groups
  • 13:30–15:00 lunch
  • 15:30–16:30 lecture, workshops (cont.)
  • 17:00–18:30 singing in local style
  • 18:15–19:45 dinner
  • 19:30–20:15 puppet show for children
  • 20:30–.......... dances to live folk music

Detailed plan of events (pdf)

The festival starts on Monday, the 6th of August, about 19:00, with a welcome meal preapared by the members of the „Pogranicze” group, followed by a dance party.

Thursday is a leisure day - the only activities held are: photography, dance (advanced group), fiddle workshop, a lecture, a meeting with the Old Believers singing group „Riabina”. And, naturally, the evening dances

The festival ends on Sudnay after breakfast, with an exhibition of works created by children participating in the "Mały Tabor" activities.