The village of Becejły (Szypliszki commune) is located at the North-Eastern egde of Poland, 22 km from the city of Suwałki and 10 km from the border with Lituania. Closest airports are Kaunas (Lituania), Vilnius (Lituania), Gdańsk and Warszawa.

Getting to Suwałki

Suwałki can be reached from other parts of Poland by train or bus. Travelling by train involves usually a change in Białystok, except one direct connection daily from Warszawa (leaving Warszawa Centralna at 07.20). For details check the Polish Railways' (PKP) timetable. For information on long-distance buses to/from Suwałki see

Suwałki to Becejły

There are only two bus connections from the Suwałki Bus Stand, platform 2, to Becejły:
13.50 (except Sundays and holidays) and 18.20 (except Saturdays, Sundays).

More frequent buses go from Suwałki to Szypliszki (3km from Becejły), the last one on week days starting at 18.20.